For those who are not yet familiar with the Dear blank please blank funny puns or burns, It’s a hilarious project started by Jared Wunsch and Hans Johnson that gives people a chance to write funny letters in this simple format: Dear…please…sincerely…
The two explain the reason they started this project as they had this idea where users could anonymously express their frustrations and bad experiences with other people or situations. So they made a website where all these types of lines exist. Some of the submissions are hilarious, some are just rude, but most of all you can vote what you love or not.
Check out the huge list below of some of the best examples of dearblankpelaseblank and share the ones you love.
1. Dear blank please blank is all about the important stuff in life
2. Appeals are for grades
3. I like skinny jeans…
4. Blonde girl better at math than an Asian…I’ve seen everything
5. Chocolate chip ain’t having this
6. Moving back with your parents
7. Women can do a lot of things better than men
8. Being jealous of Willow Smith
9. Cinderella in a not so educational message
10. The funniest dear blank please blank pic on this list
11. Spiders can make girls scream
12. Titanic got her wish
13. Ginger with friends is more a stretch than unicorns
14. Logic in movies is bad
15. Which one is worse?
16. Teachers are not that dumb
17. Nice word pun
18. Harry Potter needs it back
19. The world wants you to stop.
20. This is a dark dearblankpleaseblank image
21. Yahoo who?
22. Michael Jackson understands…
23. Do your homework child!
24. Oh Mary, again with this?
25. 1985 got surprised by 2010
26. Marco…
27. Little Triangle speaks his mind
28. Men are dumb
29. When a sex scene comes in the movie, your mom comes in the room
30. Taking care of your own.
31. Dear fork, this is your long lost friend spoon
32. This is hilarious!
33. Kanye West giving it to Obama
34. Dear Rose…
35. Dear Amish, don’t read this
36. Dear people of earth…
37. Dear Catdog…
38. Dear Mr Timberlake, Sorry, you cannot bring sexy back without proof of purchase. Sincerely, Wal-Mart
39. Dear cat, sorry for hoisting you into the air whenever the circle of life’ plays.
40. I laughed at this dear blank image
41. Dear weird phone call…
42. Dear Miley…
43. Dear Martin Luther King Jr…
44. Dear Spongebob Squarepants
45. Dear Pluto doesn’t take shit from no one
46. Irony is a bit8h
47. LOL
48. Dear Eve, please blank blank blank
49. Never thought about it before
50. Wikileaks at it again
51. Mentos is the bomb
52. Dear ice berg, we should’ve gotten along better.
53. Love this one so much!
54. We have the same name
55. Dear people of the world – write better
56. Every goddamn time!
57. Dear mean girls, i am your boss now.
58. Dear Mary sweet Jesus Joseph
59. Dear fork, it’s me uncle spoon
60. Girl screams, Random spider, hold my beer…
61. Ginger kids have no friends
62. We all try to actively avoid doing any work…let’s waste another minute together
63. Dear reader, do your homework now
64. Dear Nazis, i said i hate JUICE! JUICE!!
65. Dear math, grow up, i don’t have time for your shit
66. Dear catdog, tell me your secrets
67. Not my fault, it’s just how i was raised
68. Alcohol fixes this issue pretty fast
69. Dear WOW, thank you for keeping my son a virgin
70. The economy has no friends
You gotta share this dear blank please blank post man, you know it’s funny AF!