Life hacks are what saves us from useless stress and activity. Life hacks is what helps us get from point A to point B using less energy. Life hacks are smart, are always on point. You know what life hacks are. It’s like you’re playing Grand Theft Auto, but with all the cheats so you can immediately get all the money in the word at just the push of a few passwords.
Anyways, if you’re not a fan of Grand Theft Auto, you can be, at least, a fan of these funny life hacks. But after scrolling down for these 50 pictures, you’ll become a fan of funny, laugh-hard, other-type of life hacks. the type that makes no sense at all and really only exist for our amusement. Check them out below!
50. Woaaw! This guy is a genius
49. You PC will definitely fly! Awesome life hack
48. Pure logic. Seems legit!
47 You’ve been wasting all that money on your nails, all these time
46. Now, there’s no danger of stepping in a wet spot on the bathroom floor
45. In case you can’t afford drugs, you can always…
44. Breakfast on a budget
43. Who wrote this?! No, this is almost too much. Who thought of this??? Who?
42. If you didn’t know where Hot Dogs come from…
41. Could you believe it?
40. Some people need a high five. In the morning. With their toast
39. BMW owners always have the solution
38. This one is a little gross
37. Magic like this is hard to come by
36. Tips& Tricks
35. It all comes down to the damn presents
34. Forget flash apps. This is the right way to do it
33. This looks very solid!
32. The best solution has arrived. This life trick is pretty genius
31. You are an independent, confident, beautiful young men! Dress however you want, sir!
30. The perfect selfie stick. Have you ever thought of this?
29. They’re as good as new
28. Michael Jackson style, baby!
27. This one is for the not-so-morning people
26. Show everybody you’re a real hazard!
25. Shift to “R” and be surprised!
24. Problem solved. Now you can park wherever you want
23. Because shrieking at the top of your lungs is less awkward than those poop sounds…
22. The right way to do it is right here!
20. The perfect medicine for all viruses
19. Yeah! Small kids… the best part is that you can fool them quite easily
18. Damn! How could I have missed this?
17. Yeah, but now we got waterproof phones
16. A rattlesnake’s venom will make your hands look young again. This funny life hack should not be tried, seriously.
15. This might actually be correct. Weird thing
14. The perfect warm rubber human touch you need is right here
13. Perfect for shitty days
12. Alright then…
11. “I’ve got my hands full of puppies. I’m sorry, I can’t help!”
10. I had no idea it is called The Stabilization Hole
9. So? Was this method tested?
8. Of course. No rattling sounds anymore. Let’s just listen to Metallica
7. Yeah, snakes can be very useful for your home…
6. Way much safer this way!
5. Sleep ’till noon and you’ll get rich faster. Or not?
4. And that’s how you cure your kids from fear of darkness
3. I knew cake was the foundation of everthing
2. Don’t be a smoker! Be a sparkler!
1. I could never have thought of this. Thank you, Internet!
These funny living hacks made no sense. But they were sure funny.