Don’t you just love these mind bending facts posts circling around the internet? We won’t lie, we love them too, maybe this is why we thought we should create one too. This post is just that, nothing more, nothing less, just a collection of 25 brain bending facts that will make you open your mouth with amazement. While most of these facts are not researched thoroughly, some are pretty accurate, but don’t hold us accountable for these. They are mostly meant for entertainment purposes and not as hard checked facts. Let’s dive right in shall we and enjoy these mind bending facts before something serious comes along and ruins the fun for everyone.
1. I never knew this mind bending facts – Whoa!
2. Humans do a lot of things accidently
3. Never thought about it like that
4. I guess the kids at some point want to get down too
5. We never really ourselves. That’s deep
6. OK. Thanks for letting me know
7. OMG, my brain is melting right now
8. That’s why the house always win
9. Think about it, if you want to be the first in your family line to accomplish something.
10. Makes sense, not really a mind bending fact. But cool
11. Our universe is amazing!
12. This place has made some amazing achievements
13. Think about that for a second, your entire body, replaced.
14. And when humans invade it, there’s goes the neighborhood
15. It’s only a number. Nothing more
16. My favorite of the mind bending facts, our brain may trick us
17. Strange but accurate fact
18. There are germs everywhere, we just move them around
19. Whoa! This is mind bending for sure
20. This is an encouraging thought in my opinion.
21. More people die from drowning in the desert than dehydration
22. Mushrooms are more closely related to humans than to plants.
23. When they measured the Everest, it was exactly 29,000 feet high. So they changed it to 29,002 because they thought people would not believe the real number.
24. Most people think our eyes are in the 2/3 part of the head, they are actually more like in the middle.
25. 1 in every 110 Americans is in prison. Way too much
Can se say that some of these mind crushing facts really surprised us? Can you say that too?