Reading this article will not make you smarter or will not teach some useful stuff, but there is a possibility it will make you more awesome. One can live their life without knowing any of these useless facts like what interrobang or ferrule is, but just knowing it will enrich your life because you will be among very few people who actually know that. So, scroll down the gallery for some very useless facts and, who knows, maybe you’ll impress someone cute at a party…or not…you’ll see for yourself.
1. The heart of Blue whale is of such tremendous dimension that a small child could swim through its veins. The first on the useless facts list and a good one
2. Do you know what “interrobang” is? Check out the pic below – a combination of an exclamation point and question mark.
3. Pandiculating – stretching and yawning at the same time.
4. How do you call the dot over i and j – it’s “title”.
5. And what about the metal part on a pencil? – it’s “ferrule.”
6. The same person is borrowing his voice to these two characters.
7. Tupac danced ballet in high school.
8. Did you know that skin folds on elephants’ back are for crushing mosquitos?
9. -40 Celsius and -40 Fahrenheit are the same temperature.
10. The title for the largest penis (compared to its body) in the animal kingdom goes to barnacle.
11. A group of flamingos is a “flamboyance”.
12. And a group of pugs is a “grumble”.
13. Do you know Barbie’s full name? – Barbara Millicent Roberts.
14. And real name of the Cookie Monster is Sid.
15. Donald Duck has a middle name?! Yup, it is “Fauntleroy.”
16. The Humpty Dumpty rhyme never says he’s an egg.
17. What is a “philtrum”? Check out the pointer at the pic below.
18. A “zarf” keeps your hands safe while drinking hot coffee.
19. Banana is a berry, strawberry isn’t.
20. Here is where pineapples grow.
21. And this is how cashews grow.
22. The last time the Chicago Cubs won a world series the Ottoman Empire still existed
23. What is “Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia”? A brain freeze
24. Armadillos only give birth to quadruplets
25. There’s no way in hell you can hum while holding your nose. Go ahead, try it
26. You can actually play the popular Nintendo NES game Duck Hunt with two people. One controls the gun and the other the ducks
27. There’s literally more chance of dying by a coconut falling on your head than being attacked and killed by a shark. This is good to know, not really what i would call part of the useless facts list
28. There’s enough water in Lake Superior to cover north and south america in one sweep
29. Horses never breath through their mouth
30. I know you think they are, but ponies are not baby horses
31. Both Adele and Lady Gaga are younger than Carly Rae Jepsen. Why would i want to know this?
32. OK get this, more time has passed since the Tyrannosaurus rex and the stegosaurus lived together on this world than the time from where the Tyrannosaurus rex lived and now.
33. This is the top of the useless facts list. Ohaio is the only state which doesn’t contain any letters in the word ” mackerel “
34. People who make more money prefer their toilet paper to roll over the roll compared to people with less income who prefer it to go under.
35. Gnurr is that lint that you find at the end of your pockets
36. There are some animals like the western spotted skunk that can delay their pregnancies for months if they want.
37. Sigmund Freud once said and believed that cocaine can treat morphine addiction
38. Flamingos are pink because of what they eat. For example algae and shrimp that contain carotenoid pigments
39. Wanna know a rough estimation of the temperature? You can do that by counting the times a cricket chirps in 15 seconds and add 37 to it.
40. Every day, the US pizza industry serves up to 100 acres of pizza
41. Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikigaisha. Now you know what that YKK means on your zipper jeans