There’s nothing like good funny comeback memes or just a killer comeback. And when you’re communicating on the internet it is so easy to come up with good comebacks. You’ve got all the time in the world to come up with one. You don’t have to be quick. It can take you days to come back with something when someone insults you. You can just lie and say you just saw the comment and just now replied. When you’re on the internet and someone insults you, take your sweet time. Take all the time you need. Go into your ‘super good comebacks’ lab and come up with the best comeback you can possibly think of and blow the internet away.
Comebacks this good are rarely ever seen in action. But luckily there are places on the internet like TheAwesomeDaily where you can see them all piled up into a list. Take a look at these harsh burns and funny comeback memes and let us know what you think in the comments section.
1. The first in the funny comeback memes is maybe the best one!
2. HaHaHaha!
3. Memes usually come from anger
4. Ohhhh Burn!
5. Mom comeback is of high level
6. Stephen Hawking burn is awesome! Look at that smile
7. Comment comeback that leaves a mark
8. OMG, best comeback ever and on live TV
9. Think before you make fun of someone
10. Again, think before you speak, awesome comeback sis
11. LOL! Love those funny burns!
12. Comment burn hurts the most.
13. Just telling the truth, no hard feelings
14. This guy is in the wrong profession, he should only drive, not speak
15. Nice one!
16. Hilarious comeback memes was born for this kind of response
17. Because your parents wanted to improve
18. Making fun of Justin Bieber is always fun. Keep scrolling for more funny comeback memes
19. And she’s not even in cosplay. LOL
20. Nice comeback to a stupid question
21. That should put him in his place
22. Correcting him on his own comeback, perfect!
23. Celebs just have a good life, it’s hard to burn them
24. Oh that really made me laugh out loud
25. Someone call the fire department, shit just got burned!
26. Trying to think of a comeback and got burned in the process
27. Virtual Gf burn, always a nice comeback
28. Again, it’s stupid to try and burn a celeb or a rich person
29. HA! nice comeback bro!
30. Trying to praise but getting a mean comeback in the process
31. Yes this is a great comeback that fits perfectly to this list
32. LMAO!
33. Cat tax
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