This fine art photographer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh has spent 10 months photographing his bunnies that he adopted, and he says that they are more than just great companions, they also know how to pose and model. The last time he shared some of his work with bunnies on the internet he got a huge support from the internet community and people from all over the world told him they loved it. That inspired him to continue his project and this time he got the chance to photograph tiny bunnies right from the point of their birth. One month ago, his little bunny Tooni had four babies, this was such a happy event for him he decided to photograph the bunnies every day for 30 days. Watching them growing up every day, opening their little eyes for the first time, everything was a magical experience for this artist and he tried to capture it all to share with other people and hopefully make them happy. ” I hope that these photos will make people happy and put smiles on their faces, and also make them love bunnies more. Bunnies are wonderful animals – they have emotions and compassion like us humans, and I’ve felt it “
I got you little buddy
Hmmm yummy paws
You can trust me
Ahhhhh I’m so freakin’ tired
Looks like an angel
First time he opened his eyes
I love you little dude
Oh hey, whats up?
Now he’s happy
Look! I can be a ball
Thank you baby Jesus for making me this cute
Wanna play with me?
Gotta have some tea
I’m adorable, i know
Strike a pose!
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