I love when pets do something wrong and you get to look at them and say in that condescending voice “did you do this?” In a way, it’s kind of sad. Because you can tell a lot of animals feel real remorse when you catch them doing something wrong. But they’re so cute when they’re sorry and giving you that guilty dogs face
Sometimes they don’t even look sorry. Sometimes they just look at you as if to say “yeah, I did it. But it was worth it cause I had so much fun.” It’s so hard to get mad at an animal when they do something wrong. Their behavior, when you catch them in the act, can be so adorable and downright hilarious.
Take a look at some of these pets, caught red-handed (or should I say red-pawed?) and tell us what you think. Have you ever caught your pet doing a bad thing? Were they sorry for doing the bad thing? Also, do share pictures if you have any. Leave your thoughts in the comments section.
Here’s a video of guilty dogs looking so cute
And here’s 29 guilty dogs you can’t stay mad at:
Are you terrorizing the cat again?
I told you, you don’t have to eat my homework if it’s already finished!
What even…
I don’t know if I’m more mad or just impressed.
You’re probably more mad at you than I am.
The one on the right, definitely.
That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.
It’s too late to say sorry.
guilty dogs face – every pet owner knows it.
How can you be mad at that face?
No regrets.
“Please don’t be mad. I don’t even know why I did it.”
He can’t apologize enough.
Tired from doing all the bad stuff.
Is that dirt or bulk coffee grounds. If it’s coffee grounds, I’m pissed.
Well, Christmas is ruined.
How can such a small animal do so much damage?
His crime must be pretty brutal if he hides in the bathtub.
“The human is obviously mad at me for some reason but I don’t remember. Better put on my best sorry face.”
I’m pretty sure this pup sees nothing he did wrong.
How?! How did you do this?!
I’m not even mad. It takes some real self control not to eat all the cupcakes.
Is anyone missing a sandwich?
“I’m sorry. Look, I put myself in time-out.”
Again, how?!
This dog looks like he’s got a serious drug habit.
This is my favorite pet shaming photo on the internet. Karma took care of his punishment.
His crime was probably eating the entire fridge.
I’m more impressed that one of these dogs knew how to operate a can of silly string.
You have to share this guilty dogs list with your pet owner friends