These funny facebook fails show a different side to the internet. While most know it and use it to read, expand their knowledge and learn, the possibilities are pretty much endless, you can just do a simple Google search and dive into an ocean of information you will not finish in your entire life.
However, not all people use it for this purpose. Some just like to post random, funny and dumb things, for what ever reason. This article will show you the funniest facebook fails ever. Because posting dumb stuff on facebook is one of these things we like to write about.
Granted, this list could be endless and last forever, but we decided to take just the best facebook fails we found online and post them here. You don’t need to see them all, and honestly, you can’t they keep updating by the second.
1. Is it really a double toaster or am I dreaming?
We’re living in the future man!
Is that what I think it is?
3. Classic – And you keep commenting on the post to bump it up
Oh man, this is clearly fake
4. Sure, you are too scared to break it off
With friends like these, who needs enemies
5. This is some educated shit right here
Don’t judge too quickly.
6. Lame – I can see the red pen in the picture
Check the frame before posting man
7. Using it? For what exactly?!
We know what he’s doing
8. Dude just stop
This dude just freaks me out
9. LOL – yeah exactly the same thing
This is terrifying on so many levels
10. This is the coolest mom ever! NOT
Again, fake, no way this is mom
11. Mom burn, classic
Moms make the best facebook fails.
12. Girl please! Check yourself before you leave the house
OMG. So embarrassing
13. OMG girlfriends burn is EPIC
Good comeback.
14. Are you insane? *liking the post just incase
Is this even legal, I don’t think so
15. So many fails in one post
Too many fails to comment on
16. Mom telling it like it is
She is a very nice girl, what do you want mom!
17. I want to meet this family
Family of the year right here
18. Yes you do!
Dumbest person online
Even the people commenting can’t handle this
20. You guys…
Source: Imgur