A long-term relationship is almost like a marriage: a complicated maze full of emotions, pride, whims, wishes, intimacy, that each partner has to navigate through with great care. It takes patience, it takes some sacrifice and a lot of love to make it successful.
Sarah Graley is a United Kingdom-based illustrator who is well-known for her comics that speak of life and its many peculiarities. “Rick and Morty: Lil’ Poopy Superstar” is one series of her comics that people mostly recognize. The series perfectly pictures what it’s like to live your life with your partner, in a long-term relationship. Her life companion, Stef, is also a comic book illustrator and here, we will take a look at what it feels like to be in a long-term relationship with your significant other. Sarah and Stef in their own comics:
1. Oops. Busted! Maybe that’s how they fell in love
2. Sometimes, a cat can be cuter than your girlfriend and you, girls out there, you have to understand it!
3. “This way we can cuddle together on my side of the bed”. That’s tactics!
4. False alarm. Just a cool dog, don’t panic!
5. The food baby looks like a very promising lad
6. That feeling of freedom and immensity. Who isn’t in a great relationship with their bed?
7. This is so beautiful…and weird…
8. Wilson looks like he doesn’t know what to think of his little human friends. I feel Wilson!
9. Sloth sounds good. Like Sid, from Ice Age. I’d like to be a sloth, too
10. Sometimes, relationships can be unfair… especially when someone loses on his video game
11. This is so cute!
12. Going down together…because of a real old chapstick
13.Drooling seems fine
14. Who else needs good luck when going pooping at night? Yeah, all those monsters hiding in the dark…
15. The fifth, fancy kiss
via: providr | oursuperadventure