Calling all the weirdest and funniest people alive to take a mugshot please. That’s how these funny mugshots happened right? Probably not, but by the look of these, you might just believe it for a second. Some of the pictures below of hilarious mugshots look like a joke, but trust us, they are all real photos of real people who are just different.
1: Funny mugshots are all about the illusion of everything is normal, like this guy trying to trick us thinking he has hair
2: It’s the look, not the tattoo
3: This one has crazy written all over her
4: Well this guy has an interesting story , his entire family MULLET
5: Wait, is that shit on your tongue? dude no
6: Could be a model – but hey skin head is much better
7: What the hell is going on here – LMAO this is such a funny mugshot
8: This guy tried to hide from the cops by pretending to be a white guy, almost got away with it
9: The Devil! Naa this is just another one of a lot hilarious mugshots
10: Storm?! Is there rain and thunder?
11: When you have such a skinny neck. you can’t look tough. you just look funny
12: On the over hand, an old guy dressed in a skirt. scary as hell
13: WHAT IS THAT? No way this is real
14: Someone got their face smashed
15: Calm down grandma!
16: Poor thing – this is actually not funny, this guy had his skull bashed.
17: Wow this guy nose is just all wrong
18: You’re not cool dude – you’re hilarious! Just like this mug shot
19: Black crusty the clown from the simpsons
Funniest mugshots #20: Is this a guy or a girl?
21: This just in – You’re an idiot
22: This criminal didnt had an eye for details
23: Her crime was not fixing that horrible hair
24: Hulk ?!
25: You missed a spot
26: Just pull them out, it will be an improvement
27: The craziest one of them all
28: You can’t fix this
29: Oh im sorry – did we wake you mister criminal ?
30: Nice tat dude
31: I have never seen a neck this big before
32: Your little star on the tip of your nose is adorable
33: Justin Bieber in 10 years – Right?
34: This haircut pretty much sums it up
35: It’s not the hundred of scratches on your face. its the huge size of your forehead that make this mugshot funny!
36: I bet the cops laugh at this one for a while
37: Hannibal lecter, but in girl form
38: A pirate !
39: At least he’s a patriot!
40: PSY?? Now that’s a funny mugshots
41: So much going on here not enough space to write
Please for the love of everything funny, share these funny mugshots with your friends so we will never forget how to laugh
Source : imgur