After his wife suddenly left him after 12 years of marriage, Kevin Cotter started a blog called ” my ex wife wedding dress” but we like to call it the Kevin Cotter Wedding Dress blog. Kevin was shocked when this happened and before he knew what was going on she already packed all of her stuff in the car and was ready to go. Suddenly cotter noticed that she forgot something. Her wedding dress, he asked ” what should i do with this then? ” And she replied ” what ever the F*!? you want ” and so one of the coolest blogs was born. Cotter decided that every day he will show that dress how he feels about his now ex wife, so from dragging it on the road to doing sweaty yoga on it as a mat, things got dirty very fast, and the pictures don’t lie. honestly, we think he did the right thing here, she was cold. Check out the pictures below.
Shower curtain? Nahhhh my ex-wife wedding dress is just fine
I’ve always wanted one of these – Thanks wifey! Thanks for leaving me you stupi* Bit**
Went camping the other day and that dress kept me warm
Pirates of the caribbean remake! Awesome!
Blending nicely with the snow giving me full camouflage when hunting.
Need to keep my exercise on for the ladies
Wow these things can go fast, good thing i have my parachute!
Starting my new career as a sumo wrestler. No? Why? Fine..
Not really sure what I’m doing here…But the dress had to be there
Had to be done. Darth Vader in a wedding dress = Priceless
Keeps my car cool in those hot summer days – SCORE!
I am never using napkins again. Never
I think you missed a spot
Great for costumes
Like I said, great
Baby needs a lift ? Wedding dress would do just fine
Finding my artistic side after my divorce
But i never forget to have a good time
A great addition to the garden!
Getting my yoga on
For more awesome pictures visit the Kevin Cotter Wedding Dress Blog here: myexwifeweddingdress