If you don’t know the twitter account of the cutest hedgehog ever then you’re missing out mister! First, check it out here @hedgehogdays, now know these simple facts that made this possible. Hedgehog days was created to celebrate Marutaro. While you can see lots of normal pictures of Marutaro and his entire family on the account. The best ones are the ones his owner gave him a little paper mouth that fits perfectly to his face expression.
The results speak for themselves, the hilarious faces and expressions this little guy makes for the camera is what turned it into an internet sensation that pretty much took over the world. Browse the list below and make sure to follow and share with your friends.
1. Giving us the ” why? Why? Why would you do that look “
2. Or the ” I just did something very sneaky ” look
3. ” Im a duck. Whats your excuse “
4. ” Rub my belly please “
5. I’m freakin’ out look
6. The sexy looking hedgehog face
7. ” WHAT?! “
8. ” Are you sure you wanna do that? ” look
9. Old wisdom look
10. Just plain cute
11. ” Don’t mess with me today ” look
12. ” You’re stupid, stupid ” look
13. I’m having a cold but I photographed it anyway look
14. Trying to be scary look
15. Looking really scary without trying look
16. George Michael?
17. Nailed it!
By the way. He also has an instagram profile you can follow
Source: huffingtonpost