Happy International Cat Day ! For those of you who don’t know, August 8 is the day of the cat and of course we could not let that slide without giving those little cats who basically own the internet and the internet would not exist without cats the respect they deserve . the gallery you see below is no ordinary cute cat pictures, these are well thought artistic black and white cat pictures, HUGE difference .
yes you can browse almost every page on every site right now and find some other cat galleries so you may ask what’s the big deal. but we assure you that this classy gallery is something special . pro tip – dim the lights in your room , open a nice bottle of wine and maybe lit a cigar , then blow the smoke on the screen while you browse the pictures for the classy effect . enjoy
Aleksandr Antonov (left) | Jure Kravanja (right)
Dont forget to share this with your friends because no one in there right minds will deny a good cat gallery , no one !
Source: Boredpanda