What is more adorable than a pocket size animal or a cat shirts? I can’t think of anything similar and give a quick answer. And what about shirts that have images of the most adorable animals peeking out of their pocket? Japanese artist Hiroko Kubota embroiders shirts around the pocket to make it seem like you have a kitten or a puppy carrying around in your pocket. Like cat shirts. Adorable, right?
The first cute animal she embroidered was a cat and request came from her son. He wanted a kitten peeking from his shirt pocket. Kubota made her son’s wish came true and once the Internet saw the photo of her work, it became a big hit very quickly! It became so popular that Kubota started a business and today people from all over the world pay up to US$300 for her lovely cat shirt designs.
“The orders for shirts come from people all over the world. My English is poor, but I hear stories about people liking my cat embroidery designs,”said Kubota for Lost At E Minor. She says that she needs about three days to embroider the image of the kitten with a help of a picture. As her son, people who order have their own preferred animals, so by now she has done cats, dogs, rabbits, crocodiles and even specific customers’ pets.
If you like Kubota’s work which you can check out in the gallery below, make sure to find out how to get one of her designs on the shirt for yourself here.
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