The new magical animals of our planet
1 : This will bog your mind
2 : Its like a dog , only not
3 : Has science gone too far with these ?
4 : Seriously ? this is so silly , but you gotta love it !
5 : O.M.G – The cuteness levels are impossible here
6 : This is known as a labrabird
7 : The dird looks suspicious of the generous offer
8 : *Favoriting this……andddddd done
9 : The great white bullbird
10 : Ohhh look at the little dirdy
11 : Looking for a treat
12 : Labigeon , like a pigeon only a dog , get it ?
13 : Cromerman on the guard
14 : This is a weird choice , a pitbull as a small little bird ? not likely
15 : Ohh shit just got real !
16 : text
17 : Puguin
18 : Pugrot looking sharp
19 : Its batman ! no wait , its just a puguin
20 : Why so serious ? you should be grateful you’re not a T-Rex
21 : You really need this , you don’t know why but you do
22 : Ok this one is definitely shopped , you know how i know ? because i can see the pixels
23 : This dog can be a bird any day of the week
24 : Just think , that somewhere in a far away galaxy . this is normal
25 : Can you tell if this is real or fake ? 96% of people got it wrong
26 : Look! its a Deagle
Source: Imgur