Remember this picture below that show how cool guys don’t look at explosions? Well this post is similar but with cats. The cool guys don’t look at explosion meme or picture was first introduced to the world by the comical band Lonely Island with members Andy Samberg, Will Ferrell and J.J Abrams.
They performed it at the MTV Movie Awards in 2009 and it’s made to make fun of the action movies where the hero almost always walks away from a scene with an epic explosion untouched by the destruction behind him.
Here is the video of that song:
This quickly caught on like fire on the internet and became a popular meme and many other people replicated the idea. Now this leads me back to our post where we wanted to show you something similar to what’s we’re talking about.
To be more precious, cats walking away from explosions, this image has been in my mind since I was a young kid because you always see in the movies guys walking away from explosions looking like badasses when in reality being so close to the blast will have to hurt them or at least do what the image below shows. So when I first saw this, it made me laugh really hard and made sense. Below we gathered a list of 20 cats walking away from explosions looking cool AF.
Via: pinterest
Via: reddit
Via: funnyjunk
Via: imgur
Via: deviantart
Via: YouTube
Via: rebrn
Via: twitter
Via: pinterest
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Via: imgur
Via: pikabu
Via: rebrn
Via: pinterest
Via: reddit
Via: YouTube
Via: imgur
Via: reddit
Via: reddit
Via: pictame
Via: twitter
Now please share this post while singing along with the song…” Cool cats don’t look at explosions…”