The best pill against a headache and exhaustion is this: The Cute Army and its 20 awesome dogs that will make your day brighter in an instant. In the dogs’ world everything seems easier, funnier and just so cute you’re just gonna’ die. Yes, dogs can be bullies as well, they can be assholes, but they can also protest against serious matters as the use of noisy vacuum cleaners in the house. Dogs can also learn how to drink water from the refrigerator and just take spontaneous strolls out the house and back while you’re searching for them like crazy. Dogs are awesome and they make our lives better and funnier and brighter. You can convince yourself now!
1. Well, who thought dogs can’t be assholes sometimes?
2. A proud mama! Congratulations, Ollie!
3. This is how awesome dogs roll!
4. When you’re running too fast and feel your little cute butt understeer
5. This is how awesome dogs rule!
6. Wouldn’t you be impressed?
7. A dog’s gotta’ do what a dog’s gotta’ do!
8. You can feel it, too, isn’t it?
9. This is what awesome dogs do: they just don’t obey the rules!
10. The princess is happy and glowing
11. A little cute Superman in action
12. This must be everyone’s favourite dog
13. He’s working to pay his rent. Good boy!
14. New golden teeth for a golden boy
15. When you are having a lot of fun at the party and then, all of a sudden, that annoying colleague arrives
16. He ran away from home and then came back looking for his hoomans
17. Love has no limits!
18. “Hello, human! I can see you want to play!”
19. Puppies growing up to be bullies
20. What? Did the vet arrive already?
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