Sloths are some of the most interesting species living in the tropics. These animals mainly live in trees and are known for moving at a very slow and languid pace. In fact, their speed (or lack thereof) earned them their name! They travel only about 41 meters a day and have an extremely slow metabolic rate. However, that does not mean sloths are lazy bums. They’re actually some of the cleanest creatures around. Unlike some animals, sloths never poop where they live. They are always ready for cute sloth pictures!
There are many other fascinating facts about the sloth. They only climb down their trees about once every week, and they are so slow that they can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes underwater! Sloths also have quite a long life span, with some making it up to 40 years of age. This animal’s slow pace also results in the growth of algae on their fur, which can attract smaller insects and animals and even provide a good level of camouflage against predators.
While all these facts are fascinating, they aren’t really the main reason sloths are so popular. The internet loves all things cute, and these slow-moving mammals are no exception. There’s no way around it: sloths are some of the cutest animals around! They have become something of a celebrity as of late, and it isn’t difficult to see why.
Here are cute pictures of sloths to fuel the internet:
1. Now, who could resist those eyes?
Source: National Geographic
2. Sloths have the derpiest smiles, and this one shows it!
Source: Pinterest
3. “Hey. Didn’t see you there. I’m just… hanging’ around!”
Source: Atlas Obscura
4. Palm cuddles all the way.
Source: Bored Panda
5. “Would you like to join me for tea?”
Source: Reader’s Digest
6. It looks like this one’s getting a bit too lazy, even to climb his favorite tree!
Source: Pinterest
7. Sloths love their munchies!
Source: RD
8. “A flower for you, madame!”
Source: RD
9. “… And a flower for me!”
Source: National Geographic
10. They also have the cutest pot bellies.
Source: Bored Panda
11. This grey sloth is definitely enjoying the sunshine through the trees.
Source: Pinterest
12. This one, on the other hand, prefers to play a bit of hide and seek!
Source: Bored Panda
13. Sloths love to smile.
Source: Pinterest
14. They also love to cuddle!
Source: National Geographic
15. They don’t mind close up shots very much.
Source: Facebook
16. But sometimes they do get shy and a bit scared.
Source: Bored Panda
17. For the most part, they love humans.
Source: Wallpaper Cave
18. Sloths also spend a majority of their time hanging upside down from tree branches.
Source: Wallpaper Cave
19. They have the cutest noses and also come in colors like white and brown.
Source: Tico Times
20. Sometimes, they’re camera shy!
Source: Fanpop
21. They have eyes so loving they could stare right into the depths of your soul.
Source: BBC
22. Here’s even more upsidedown shenanigans!
Source: Cheezburger
23. Sloths are the very definition of tree huggers.
Source: The Conversation
24. Sloths also have long nails.
Source: Displate
25. Baby sloths hug their mothers tightly for comfort and protection.
Source: USA Today
26. Sometimes, you’ll find a sloth in a bucket!
Source: Bored Panda
27. Other times, they’ll hold onto your hand from their enclosure.
Source: Cheezburger
28. They love munching on their leaves.
Source: Wallpaper Cave
29. They also love clinging to each other.
Source: Wallpaper Cave
30. Sometimes, they’ll even make friends outside of their species.
Source: Bored Panda
31. Sloths certainly know how to strike a pose.
Source: Bored Panda
32. For the most part, they are good at just being themselves.
Source: People
33. Some are small and compact, like this little fellow!
Source: Sloth of the Day
34. Others are big and majestic, like this marvelous creature.
Source: Inspire More
35. Even if it isn’t a fellow sloth, these animals love to snuggle!
Source: Wallpaper Cave
36. They also love baths.
Source: Bored Panda
37. They don’t mind being wrapped up.
Source: Bored Panda
38. Peekaboo!
Source: YouTube
39. “I’m king of the world!”
Source: Deposit Photos
40. This sloth almost looks bashful!
Source: Deposit Photos
41. This one looks like he’s really enjoying this branch in particular.
Source: Atlas Obscura
42. Everybody wishes they could sleep as soundly as a sloth.
Source: Bored Panda
43. “Well, hello there!”
Source: Wallpaper Cave
44. Apparently, sloths are really good at taking selfies, too!
Source: Inspire More
45. They also love giving kisses!
Source: Inspire More
46. Nothing is more comfortable than a blanket… except maybe mama sloth!
Source: Tico Times
47. Colored blankets do just fine, too!
Source: Insight Guides
48. Last but not least, what’s the sloth experience without a refreshing swim?
Source: Tico Times
If you enjoyed looking at these cute sloths pictures, then be sure to check out our other articles on cute animals!