Did you know that Metroid is the best game Nintendo NES ever had? YES, Just look at all the Metroid fan art on the internet to figure it out. it’s better than Mario and even better than The Legend of Zelda. If you played this game before you know what i mean and you probably agree. If you don’t, please go found out and play the game and come back to me.
The Metroid game is maybe the most adventurous game ever created considering the year it was released and to this day i actually find myself playing this game on an emulator just because it’s so much fun so many years later. Some of the fan art displayed here can be found online and be printed, so check the source link below each photo to check it out.
1. The first of the Metroid fan art list is a pretty badass one.
2. A dark and mysterious fan art of the popular game
3. I love this piece
4. The armour is just impressive here
5. Bad guys, look out! Samus is here
6. Black and white, Samus never looked better
7. You’re about to be dead
8. When Samus turns into the power ball!
9. The weird and huge world of Metroid
10. Did you notice the final master in the reflection in the helmet of Samus
11. This is some creepy stuff
12. Simple, but awesome art!
13. The first scene, changed my life
14. Amazing!
15. Metroid cosplay
16. Metroid Prime screen shot
17. A closer look at the suitÂ
18. Metroid made from candy, looks yummy
19. Below the armour there is a blue tight suit
20. The girl, the legend
21. 3D style fan art of Metroid
22. Blasting away
23. Childish art, but still cool
24. Presenting the gun
25. Love this piece
26. Hinting about the girl here
27. Fighting a master
28. This would be an awesome tattoo
29. So pretty
30. Is she going to win?
31. Fan art is the best art
32. ” I’m going to kill you all “
33. Pixel art by a fan
34. Crochet art of the Metroid game
35. Cube
36. 3D illustration of the character
37. Going down the rabbit hole
38. Simple but nice
39. Samus patch
40. The last one of the Metroid fan art and it’s not too bad at all
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