Does anybody remember that website I remember visiting that site and spending hours laughing at the translations fails. Now there’s a similar term called “Chinglish” that’s used to represent bad Chinese to English translations. There’s nothing funnier than a bad translation. It can make things super awkward and embarrassing for the people making the mistake. But if you’re on the outside looking in, it’s hilarious.
Americans like myself love to laugh at failed translations to English. But with all the Spanish translations we have, I’m sure we’ve got plenty of totally insane translations fails on some of our signs. We’ve pulled some of the funniest translations from the internet and compiled them all here. These signs, however unhelpful they may be, have to lift the spirits of any weary traveler.
Take a look at these hilarious mistranslations. Let us know what you think in the comments section. Have you ever been to China and been totally confused by their signage?
1: Pubic phone is the first in our translations fails list
2: That’s some hardcore manicure set
3: I’m always down for some face bashing
4: Visit the racist park, it’s an experience you won’t forget
5: Only if you’re a slut you can eat this
6: Faild. Translation. Here
7: So…does that mean you get to touch me? YES PLEASE!
8: I wonder if people who get in, ever get out
9: Have human lives here. Very cheap human lives
10: You can eat the room too. See price list
11: Who want unrine soup? Urine soup here!
12: OK. Just let me drink some more
13: Half old chicken on sale
14: What the hell is this? Such a huge translation fail
15: Like the bathroom. Ba dish Dosh!
Totally insane translations fails #16 Eat some fucked duck
17: So basicly you just want warmth
18: Urine bowl of noodles. Yummy!
19: You need a full department for ketchup?
20: This makes no sense at all
21: Ok. But what is the source?
22: OMG, i rather be killed by the fire
23: I’m sold. teach me some Engish!
24: Talking in the bathroom is not a good idea
25: Please wait outside before eating rice noodles
26: Too much information man
27: What’s their deal with urine?!
28: No thank you!
29: Wanna be raped by mushrooms? Hmm…nope
30: Cu*t examination
31: Instructions unclear *swimming in the lobster bowl while kissing a duck
32: Grass loves to dream
33: If you want to be harassed, this is for you
34: Internet Hole
35: Oh my, this is not nice
36: I heard she killed a leg last night
Please share these hilarious Chinese translations with your friends