We’ve all been there, you’re eating too much junk food, you can feel it on your body, not only you start to look bad physically, but you also start to feel really bad. Your stomach starts making weird noises when you’re hungry and that’s when you know, you have to cut off the junk food man.
You’re killing yourself with every bite. Trying to stop eating bad food can have real weird side effects similar to when you want to stop smoking or even worse, drugs. Now I’m not comparing eating fries with shooting some drug, but it can be addictive all the same. The phases below show you how everyone feels when trying to cut back on the junk. We’re sure you can relate.
1. I can do this!
2. Yep can definitely do this. Not even hungry
3. This isn’t so bad, i’ll be able to keep it up for sure
4. I’m so hungry
5. I hate my life
6. Omg what is she eating? Is that a donut?
7. Holy shit I could warm that up in the microwave
8. Stop, just stop
9. You can do this
10. Hold yourself together woman
11. This is the shitest thing I’ve ever done
12. Why would I give up sugar
13. What a stupid idea
14. People must live such unhappy lives when they eat like this
15. Ok have a tiny piece of chocolate, just one piece and you’ll feel better
16. God that tastes good
17. Ok finish the block and start tomorrow
18. Might as well have a glass of wine if I’m going all out
19. That was so worth it
20. I’ll definitely start tomorrow
21. Anyone wanna get a pizza?
22. I feel sick
23. Uhhhh why did I do that
24. Why, why, why
25. I’m doomed
Been there, done that right? If you can find these relatable. Please share.
This article was submitted by Kaysie through our awesome Submit Link feature