We used to be doing some minor repairs, mostly in our homes whenever nobody is around to fix it immediately and we seldom want to spend our money over inexperienced technicians that will try to repair and fix something and you will end up not satisfied with their kind of work.
That’s why instead of calling them up for repair, we rely on our gut feeling that we can fix things better than them. Some DIY techniques and styles we do more often than not is helpful while some are disappointing in the end. Others may be functional while others are totally of no use anymore!
Listed below are 24 engineers who somehow managed to fix some petty little repair issues in the house, car, garden etc. The result is hilarious. You may find some ideas and solution to your own home pesky problems, but I warn you to please take a little caution to avoid being disappointed in the end. Just enjoy how these so-called engineers proved that they are good at many things!
If you also find these ideas helpful, then you are free to adapt what they did. Just don’t do these at home when everybody is around, they might spoil your secret to others.
2: This simple couch fix
3: Why buy a new one, this works great
4: This is the next trend
5: The chair alone would tip this off
6: Spare tire? Spare tire
7: This works like a charm
8: There. i fixed it
9: Salvador Dali would be proud
10: Fixed, next please
11: What is that? a small plane wheel?!
12: As long is it rubber, it works
13: This is genius!
14: Portable ceiling fan
15: But where is the screen?
16: What’s wrong with this? Seems right
17: I have to try this – seriously
18: The contractor forgot to install a wall light
19: Just change the soap inside man, comeon!
20: A mirror is a mirror let it be
21: Hello?! is anyone there?
22: This looks dangerous
23: Water puts out fire, end of story
24: As long as i’m safe…
Source: Imgur | Boredpanda