Happy mother’s day
1: Mother deer sharing a moment with her baby
2: A baby seal with his mother
3: A beautiful white duck hugging her young
4: A baby lionĀ getting a kiss from his lioness mother
5: A marmot mom holding her baby close
6: A bird mommy with her baby
7: An amazon frog mommy carrying her baby on her back
8: baby fox with his ever guarding mother
9: Baby giraffe enjoying a mother’s love
10: Baby Panda bear playing with his mom
11: A killer whale in her sweet moment of carrying for her young
12: Puppies of a proud Husky mother
13: Elephant mom teaching her young baby to walk
14: Adorable dolphin baby and his mom
15: Wolf mom enjoying some quality time with her babies
16: Tough cheetah mom resting with her baby
17: Mom birdie feeding her babies in the next
18: Spider mom carrying her babies
19: Camel mom checking that her baby boy is ok
20:Ā Baby penguin with his mom
21:A sea horse giving birth
Source: Imgur