Did you know that dogs are smart enough to operate a camera. Don’t get me wrong, they will not use any filters or know what each button do, but they know how to look at the lens and they understand that when the flash goes blink something happened. So taking cute dog selfies was only a matter of time, and it didn’t take very long. The selfie game is strong here as you will see. Dogs were always considered to be popular when it comes to social media and the internet. But when we realised that dogs can actually take selfies, the game was broken.
What would you rather see, a cute dog posing for the camera taking a selfie or your GF on her trip to the Eiffel tower? Be honest, dogs win all the time! The post below talks about this exactly.
We gathered a list of 18 dogs that can honestly teach you and me something about how to do this selfie thing, it seems so natural to them it’s like they were born with a camera in their paws. Don’t try and understand it, just enjoy the ride.
1. ” Taking a walk outside – it’s a beautiful day “
2. ” Aye Yo! What up doug? “
3. ” At the dog park, makin’ my friends jealy “
4. ” Is this how you selfie? – This is awesome! “
5. ” How you doin’? “
6. BFF’s
7. ” No Carl! Don’t show this!!! “
8. ” Doing my sexy face ” The pug is not impressed
9. Now that is one cute dog
10. On the left, a lonely dog, on the right a couple selfie
11. ” Just…just hold that pose “
12. ” Back off human! She’s mine “
13. ” You see, and then I click this button and it takes a picture “
14. ” HaHaHaHaHa LOOllllLOLOLOLOLOLllllloololol “
15. Classy puppy
16. ” Wanna be my valentine? “
17. Dog got more game than me
18. ” Ugh? what’s this? Can I eat it? “
Source: Sad and useless