Have you ever tried to sleep naked? It is not a big deal, but most people don’t do it because, somehow, they feel uncomfortable. It’s true, if you live together with other flatmates or you have kids and don’t want them to surprise you in your sleep, sleeping naked is quite hard to do. But science says that, if you have the chance, you shall go for it because sleeping naked is helpful for your health, your confidence, your weight, your aging process, even for the baby-making activities.
From thermoregulation, to even boosting your mood and helping you bond with your partner, sleeping naked is what we should all do. Besides, it gives you and incredible feeling of freedom, you feel lighter and cleaner tucked besides your bed sheets. You can almost fly in your sleep. You don’t need to believe it, you just need to scroll down and check out this infographic that will give you all the reasons you need to sleep naked whenever you get the chance. It’s backed by scientific data and research, so after you finish reading, go check your PJ’s fabric material and throw them away if they’re made of wool, cotton of fleece. You will see why.
Yes, clothes are beautiful as they are functional. We’ve made an art out of wearing clothes, but we shall forget about it and learn more about the “art of sleeping naked”. Forget clothes when you are sleeping because they trap moisture and sweat and won’t let your skin breathe and get fresh air. You don’t need to believe us. Just scroll down for more!
Infographic by the snoring experts at SnoreMentor
Via Snore Mentor