Last week on Monday, Snapchat first showed their new collection of X Men Apocalypse themed filters or lenses, this was to help promote the movie that opened on Friday.
Now usually when a big brand comes to Snapchat and pays some money to get a sponsored lens, the new lens is just added to the beginning of the lineup. But the X Men marketing team had a different idea, they decided they want to take over the entire lineup – BOOM!
You have the choice of nine different characters from the movie: Apocalypse, Cyclops, Mystique, Storm, Nightcrawler, Magneto, Quicksilver, Professor X and Beast. But if you’re looking for that puppy lens or flower power, you just gonna have to sit this one out.
Check out some of the reactions people had for this new move:
Some just wanted their normal life back:
Source: Buzzfeed