Everyone is scared of something. Yes even you, so what are the most common phobias? What is your biggest fear?
We collected the 20 most popular phobias of our world, they are arranged in order and they came from a survey which more than 10,000 people around the world took part in.
Now obviously fears in different countries and regions are different, but this is to show the world’s fears as a collective, scroll to browse the list of phobias and when you find your biggest fear, please leave a comment about it so we will see the results by everyone who read this. Good luck!
1. The first in the most common phobias is the Fear of snakes
2. Fear of heights is a close second. Makes sense
3. Almost everyone i know has a fear of flights, I love it though
4. I would think this would come in first – Fear of public speaking. But it comes in at number #4
5. Scary stuff, the fear of a dark place or darkness in general
6. Fears of not being able to escape – Terrible feeling when you have this
7. Fear of spiders, classic phobia
8: Fear of terror attacks, I guess this just came to be in recent years but straight to number 8
9. No one likes to get rejected, fear of rejection is a hard nine
10. The fear of getting Cancer
11. The most common phobias continue with number 11 and it’s the fear of being in a small space
12. Fear of failure – This has a huge impact on almost all humans, really thought it will be higher on the list
13. The fear of vomiting, some people are really terrified by this
14. Fear of intimacy. Yes it’s a real fear
15. Fear of poverty, a lot of people fear the day they won’t have anything and live on the street. Myself included
16. The constant fear of getting hurt or injured
17. The fear of losing your health
18. Fear of getting suffocated, or unable to breath
19. The fear of getting HIV
20. And lastly on the most common phobias is the fear of bridges
If you marked at least three of the most common phobias on this list please share with us in the comments.