People and scientists have been arguing and debating for years whether or not cannabis is helpful with the fight against cancer cells. The active ingredient in the plant THC has already been proven to be very helpful with pain relief and other forms of natural remedies, but the cancer issue is still undecided.
It surely didn’t help when president Richard Nixon declared his War on Drugs policy back in 1971 and it caused all research on the plant to be completely stopped. But in 1974, research finally proved that you can fight cancer by injecting THC directly into the cells infected.
According to a featured article in the Washington Post on August 18th, the injection of THC into cancers cells
“slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”
After the release and revelation of this report, more and more studies began to surface, supporting it’s conclusion.
In 1975, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published a study that stated,
“Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBD). Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with THC and CBD had reduced primary tumor size.”
Nearly four decades after the declaration of the War on Drugs, many research studies have proven that THC can have a huge affect on the size of tumors and even the amount of cancer cells altogether. Which is pretty amazing if you ask us! THC can ultimately completely destroy cancer cells in the body. The SETH Group, or Scientists Exploring Truth in Healing, supports this evidence; “No chemotherapy can match this nontoxic anti-cancer action.”
Check out the video below to see for yourself what exactly happens when THC is injected into cancer cells:
Source: trueactivist