The butt challenge – how to improve your butt game
The basic things you need to know to go from flat to super butt
The muscles
There are three very important muscles:
1: The Gluteus maximus
2: The Gluteus Medius
3: The Gluteus Minimus
First exercise – The Gluteus Maximus
Step up
Second exercise for The Gluteus Maximus
Third exercise for the Gluteus Maximus
First exercise for The Gluteus Medius
Straight leg side plank
Second exercise for The Gluteus Medius
Lying forward leg lift
First exercise for The Gluteus Minimus
Bent knee side bridge
Second exercise for The Gluteus Minimus
Side bridge
This is a leg transverse abduction
And this is the seated pretzel stretch
Good Luck and may the butt be with you
Source: Imgur