Young, beautiful and smart. That is a correct description of these young ladies who put their brains together and the knowledge they gained so far to invent something every girl will be grateful for. According to terrifying statistics, one of five girls is being raped at high school or college parties in the USA. Girls are often victims of rapist thanks to drugs put in their drinks called date rape drugs.
This high school trio came up with a brilliant idea how to prevent such horrible things from happening or at least to lower the risk. On entrepreneurship class, high school students Victoria Roca, Susana Cappello, and Carolina Baigorri developed a one-of-a-kind straw capable of determining whether or not a drink has been drugged.
Victoria Roca, Susana Cappello, and Carolina Baigorri from Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami, Florida.
“Being a young women, I feel like this is a problem that we hear about a lot, especially when we came to high school,” Baigorri told Inside Edition.
The invention of these high school students has been patented and soon it will be available in markets around the country.
“It can’t end rape, but we were hoping to lower the amount of rape and dangerous situations you might be in through drugs.”
A straw capable of detecting date rape drugs. It turns to blue when detects suspicious substance – a really great invention which will leave girls with only one problem when it comes to parties – What should I wear?
The girls are on the way of solving the great problem of the society – date rape drugs. Watch the full video about their amazing invention below.
Alarm your friends about this great invention which may prevent some horrible situation by sharing this post. Think of how many girls this little thing can save. Great job girls!
H/T: Miamiherald