It happens every year during Christmas, we just shop a shit load of stuff and we give so many presents to pretty much everyone, from the mailman to our parents to that one neighbor we don’t even know his name but always say hi in the morning. It’s how we celebrate shut up.
But this year this one dad just won Christmas by giving cute tiny presents to his little squirrels from his back yard.
The man is Paul Chesnaye and below he is pictured with his daughter Lucy, they live on the outskirts of London.
During Christmas day, Paul decided to surprise the squirrels behind his house with cute presents so they will get a visit from Santa too this holiday. His daughter Lucy captured the whole thing with photos and posted them to her Twitter and they instantly became viral.
The story behind this idea as told to Buzzfeed is as follows: Paul and his family sadly are going through some hard times as they suffered from a tragedy just days before Christmas, so Paul decided to try and cheer everyone by giving their four squirrels unofficial family members living in their backyard presents too.
The presents are delicious nuts wrapped in gift paper so the squirrels could find them and eat them up. He made four for each squirrel friend.
” We had some Brazil nuts, some peanuts, almonds and cashews. They got a real selection so it was a real special Christmas present.” Once the squirrels figured out how to open the wrapped presents they were really happy with their gifts.
As for Lucy, she found her new internet fame to be very surprising ” I find it really funny and i never expected so many people to see it.
A lot of people found this on Twitter
What a cute story 🙂
Source: hellogiggles