Justin Timberlake new song ” Can’t stop the feeling ” is official the new Happy song, ot Happy 2.0 if you will, and the first thought that comes to mind is why don’t we see Justin dancing more in this video?! Watching Justin Timberlake dance is one of the top favorite things in the world…obviously
Another thought that comes to mind is that Justin keeps getting hotter and hotter
Thing about it, Justin ages like fine wine, if you have to compare his hotness situation you may think of Keanu Reeves, because both of them just look like every year that passes they just get better looking, what’s up with that?! What’s your secret guys!!
When Justin was young, he was rocking that blonde noodle look that we all thought was kind of funny but at the same time really really hot, those were his ‘NSync days and before we knew he could do so much better.
This was the no fro look that was better
then came the shaved head look that was h-ot
And sure we all remember the shirtless faze that well…we like
And of course the brining sexy back look that we thought was the hottest he can be
But then flawless came and blew our mind!
Maybe it’s the facts he’s a dad now, maybe it’s some kind of black magic, honestly, we cares! Were all just happy being a part of his awesomeness and good looking.
Source: Eonline