There are endless possibilities to learn new things with Google. You can find just about any information you want on there. And it has a lot of cool features. Their newest feature is tailor made for people who just like to learn things, like myself, and it’s I’m feeling curious.
Does a question ever just pop into your head? Like you’re curious about something for no reason? If so, just go to Google and type “I’m feeling curious” or “fun facts” and Google will give you what you’re looking for. Usually from Wikipedia but could possibly be from more sources in the future.
As your curiosity builds, just keep clicking “ask another question” and you’ll stay busy for hours. Learning is fun when you actually want to learn and make the effort to seek out the answers yourself.
Take a look at some of these facts and answers to life’s questions. Thank you, Google, for making learning so much easier. Especially for those of us who hate having to sift through unreliable sources to have our questions answered. Leave your thoughts in the comments section.
Elephant’s gestation period is 22 months, can you imagine? This is just the first example of the I’m feeling curious feature
Never knew that White Castle was a pioneer in the food business
Did you know that a lobster with no claws is called a pistol?
The largest tree in the world is actually located in the United States, who knew
Wanna play some golf on the moon? Sounds awesome!
Frogs can hear both above and underwater
I’m curious why is The Big Ben called The Big Ben?
Russia and the US are closer than you think
Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867
The Horseradish is actually a German word Meerrettich ( sea radish )
Not everyone signed the declaration of independence
Mexico has 31 states, i never even knew they had states
I’m feeling curious as to why a bobby pin is called that
An IQ of 275 is a new type of smart, it’s robot smart
The new feature from Google makes us all feel curious suddenly, please share with us if you tried it and liked it.
Source: Business Insider