You know that feeling when you sometime want to pretend to be someone else, usually you do it to copy celebrities or your childhood hero , well this kid really takes dress-ups to a whole new level . New zealand 17 years old Liam has taken the instagram world by storm when he started uploading images of himself dressed up as famous celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry
When being asked how this all started he says ” it started 8 months ago, and i like the idea that not many guys will do what i do . its something different, and when i saw people reaction to the photos, i kept creating them ”
It can take up to a few hours to complete one image liam says . ” i need to find the right image, and sometimes i need to go out and get the supplies “
He usually go to 2 dollar shop for the costumes and supplies , but when he’s low on money he looks for stuff around the house
His favorite celeb to dress up too is Miley Cyrus , because everybody enjoys miley – you are right sir !
Follow Liam on his instagram profile for more awesome pictures
Source : Metro