The now internet famous family Lilly, Leon and baby Orson has done it again, way back we reported that this awesome family spends their weekends re-creating movie scenes with only cardboards and household items , you can read about it here. Well, now their son is 2 years old and has a better understanding of they’re doing so the parents continued this tradition with new movies and new photos to share. The couple have moved to a new country so they had accumulated a lot of extra cardboard boxes and households items that they use for their fun creative photos instead of throwing it all away ” The costumes, props and sets in Cardboard Box Office are created entirely out of everyday household items, toys, cardboard and three individuals slowly losing their sanity ” says the couple. by creating these movie scenes, the couple is actually making memories that will last them a life-time. If you want to see more please visit these social links: website | facebook
Breaking Bad
King Kong
Game Of Thrones
The Breakfast Club
Top Gun
Napoleon Dynamite
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
The Never Ending Story
The Goonies
The Addams Family
The Godfather
Source: MyModernMet