Paging Cardiology, we have a nasty cup ring stain on table 6.
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We all know that ring marks are bad for our health and getting our guests to use coasters is such a struggle! Fortunately for us, Firebox just made it a whole lot simpler! The brand new set of six Heart Anatomy Coasters combine the aesthetic of class coasters with the nerdiness of biology-themed home-ware.
For $29.49, these cross-sectioned heart coasters can prevent any future cardiac complications caused by the unpleasant sight of ring marks. With their colorful graphics, the coasters labeled “Cardiology Dept.” are numbered so that they can be stacked to form a full heart when not in use. You can examine all of the chambers and ventricles one coaster at a time or marvel the muscle in it’s entirety when all stacked up.
These polished glass coasters are a perfect gift for doctors, surgeons, or just someone that you want to give a little piece of your heart to. They even come with little rubber feet to protect your surfaces even more! Forget the boring cork and glass pucks and grab yourself this conversation piece today.
Source: mentalfloss