Remember the good old days? When your Nokia phone was old and could only receive and make calls but it was so durable it would damage the floor when you dropped it, or when your TV was 20lbs heavier than you and now you weigh more than the tv because you sit all day and your iPhone costs as much as a fresh organ on the black market but breaks at the slightest touch, the images below show how much our world has changed for the worse people
1: No one actually goes outside anymore to do sport
2: Kids are gotten too spoiled
3: Everything is instant
4: You got fat
5: Selfies are way to selfish
6: Everything is way more expensive and way more sensitive
7: This is how they do movies back then – This is how they do it now
8: Philosophy was reinvented by hip hop
9: Gaming got way too easy
10: Phones were bigger and cooler
11: You have too many options to waste your time
12: Sport in the good old days vs sport now
13: Kids are the smart ones
14: Social networks are very lonely places
15: No one talks anymore
16: The world is heating up and getting dry
17: We become more and more anti social
18: We are ruled by technology
19: We don’t converse anymore, we just stare at screens
20: Clothes have become ridiculous
21: We take everything for granted
22: Everything got smaller, we got fatter
23: Everything got way too expensive
24: We waste soo much time on things that don’t matter
25: Hipster has lost its meaning
26: We used to educate our kids, now they educate us
27: Dreams stayed pretty much the same 🙂
28: We don’t got outside anymore
29: We Instagram everything
30: You had to go outside to watch a movie
31: We don’t eat with each other, we eat with the TV
32: We don’t play with each other anymore, we play the same games – alone
33: We don’t act our age
34: We got lazy with our gifts
35: Information is too easy to consume, we don’t learn, we search
36: Birthday parties are very personal now
37: This
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