Hilarious yearbook quotes to laugh at other people
1: Hillarious mom quote
2: The farmer quote
3: The inspirational quote
4: Netflix quote
5: Where is your suit?
6: The disappointment quote
7: The impro quote
8: The Krusty Patrick quote
9: The hashtag quote
10: Giving females a chance quote
11: Classic Aaron doing it again
12: The pancake
13: The dobby quote
14: The workout quote
15: The worst pickup line ever quote
16: Meaning of life quote
17: The sticking it to everyone quote
18: The young business man quote
19: The winter is coming quote
20: The original quote
21: Most hilarious quote ever
22: Breaking up quote
23: Hating plants quote
24: Important life goals quote
25: The sauce wisdom
26: The next bill gates quote
27: The get real quote
Source: Buzzfeed