Expecto to laghu-o
1: This funny pickup line
2: Dumbledore’s awesome logic
3: Harry Potter has three types of exam takers
4: This hilarious yearbook cover
5: This deep relationship advice
6: Best dating advice ever!
7: This failed pun
8: If in the Harry Potter movies there were texting
9: This epic yo mamma joke
10: This test answer
11: This espresso cup is genius
12: Lorde Voldemort
13: This is what was really going on
14: And this is what’s going at Hogwarts right now
15: This catchy advertisement
16: All these important questions being asked
17: The boy ” who lied “
18: Draco’s books
19: This what if situation
20: This….nope
21: This dude’s crazy night
22: Snape’s favorite TV show
23: And Snape’s life advice
24: This drop of truth
25: And more laying down of truth
26: These epic ads
27: This is the true difference between people
Source: Buzzfeed