The other part of wars . the posters – here are 20 ww2 propaganda posters that make a difference
1 : Back ’em up with more metal !
2 : Your victory garden – what?? what does that have to do with anything
3 : This is a kick-ass poster to motivate soldiers
4 : Someone is making money
5 : There’s a hob for everyone !
6 : Weird muscular lesbian soldier trying to tough us out
7 : This image look a but gay…i have to say…holding a huge bomb ? really ?
8 : ww2 propaganda posters were awesome at those times
9 : Because freedom isn’t free !
10 : Kill all the japs ! wait…huhh?
11 : ohh those were the days. eating a fat burger at home than delivering the fat to make bombs
12 : ww2 propaganda posters – we don’t have anything to say here..
13 : Emotional women played a big part during the ww2 propaganda posters
14 : He doesn’t look so friendly
15 : Half time speech for the citizens
16 : R.I.P
17 : You’ll doing a great job back here cooking and fixing stuff !
18 : Again…ladies were a force in those days
19 : Everybody was Kong Fu fighting ! Ni Ni Ni Ni NA Na NA ta ta na
20 : Remember Dec 7 !
Source : imgur