Before the internet & computers, people tried to be the next big thing with some really weird inventions like :
1 : The suspended baby cage – because your baby needs some fresh air too on the 6 floor ! – yeah..right
2 : The phone answering robot ! – or as we like to call it , the 300 mega ton iron pole that stands near your phone and does absolutely nothing !
3 : The Amphibious bicycle – this is actually a great idea – if there should ever be another biblical flood
4 : The Family Bicycle – notice that the only two persons really cycling are the boys
5 : A brush to shine your scalp – yes we all want something like this in our life
6 : The brilliant mew machine – to scare off mouse
7 : Tv glasses – wait a minute ! it’s the original google glass ! eat that Larry page
8 : The Dog Restrainer , this is just cruel – poor little dog
9 : The Lady GaGa glasses – for the ability to look cool every day
10 : The face cover – to look ridicules every day of the week !
11 : The electro fruit painometer – to measure the pain level of fruits – we can’t believe we just wrote this..
12 : The anti-tire broom – never again drive on those nasty nails !
13 : The rainy day cigarette holder – THIS IS AWESOME !!!
14 : The wooden bathing suits – it’s a bathing suite and a life jacket all at once !
15 : The illuminated tires – for nothing at all !
16 : The baby suspender – the original baby holder item !
17 : Pedestrian safety net – for the not so carefull driver !
18 : The one wheel motorcycle – ahead of its time by say 70 years
19 : The revolver camera – For rehab serial killers
20 : The laying down reading glasses – this is very useful even today
Source : imgur