Graduation is a time of joy and great relief. You know you’re DONE. You also know you’re a real adult and have to deal with jobs and other responsibilities like that. It’s also the time when you realize university was actually fun and real life is a lot tougher than your assignments and projects and bored and super annoying teachers. Also, student loans are knocking on your door. So, where do you go from there?
You will manage! You will do just fine! It’s just time to celebrate and these 20 students knew just how to do it right and in an original way: decorating their graduation caps. The messages are hilarious and everyone could relate to them. It’s just every student’s story summed up in a graduation cap. From “Kiss my (cl)ass goodby” to “Just did it”, they nailed their graduation caps and look like they’re going to nail it in life as well.
Let’s wish them luck and to all of you who are still waiting their next exam session: Good luck and scroll down for some motivation and funny inspiration!
1. It means “Done”
2. Victoria is free and smart
3. It means she “can”
4. Kiss Kiss with class
5. A very tiring experience. Don’t do it again!
6. Desperation
7. It cost everything but it was worth it!
8. Just the best feeling ever!
9. University is over and it’s time to pay your debts…many debts
10. The most encouraging graduation message ever
11. It was a race to remember
12. Patrick does not give a damn about graduation. He’s just Patrick!
13. They’re coming at you, coming at you!
14. When you’re good to play with words because you’ve already graduated
15. Well, you did and it went well, don’t you think?
16. Can you?
17. When you graduate for your dogs!
18. And so it begins! And everybody has to play
19. Yeah! Paid to learn something that you’ve already forgotten on the day of your graduation. Shit like this happens!
20. I is currently broke.
Via @SoMeeOfficial