All of you, book lovers out there, these 20 quotes will inspire you to write a book, keep reading and keep enriching your soul with the best that books have to offer. It is so little to say “write a book” or “read a book” when actually you’re creating or dealing with a whole new world just as you write the first line or open the first page of a book.
Reading is not the key to success, but the key to your enriching your soul and famous writers, thinkers, philosophers have always encouraged us to lose ourselves in a book and come back with more depth and knowledge. This way, we can see our own lives as stories always under development where no failure is a disaster, but rather a stepping stone to something else. By reading, you live a thousand lives and you learn from them. In the end, is not how much you traveled, is how much you read and understood from the world around us.
Get yourself your daily dose of awesome motivation with these 20 book lovers quotes and start your dream book today. Whether it is reading or writing, start today!
1. Motivation for all the aspiring writers out there
2. It’s got to go full circle to be a story
3. Knowing the important things
4. The blood of fiction!
5. You want to see more, you’ve got to read first
6. Poetic language is a superior kind of being
7. Going home!
8. It’s up to you how many lives you live
9. A story is what we are
10. Why you shall read a book? Because…
11. Dreaming with your eyes open
12. The magic is there!
13. Magic that you can carry with you everywhere
14. Always bear in mind that…
15. The soul of the room
16. A book is never the same
17.Everything else is optional
18. Paradise is close
19. Reading breeds the need for more reading
20. Go on an adventure!
Did you start writing already? Because there’s no way you made it this far on the book lovers quotes and not be inspired. Please share with your friends and also read these 29 awesome motivational quotes
via: goodhousekeeping