Who said the Internet and social media is just a means of stress and weighing down on you with false expectations, other people’s happy moments while you’re having a miserable time? Who said the Internet is only tiring you with all its rich carousel of images and information which you don’t really need? Well, who said all this can think again. These 10 calming websites will prove to you just how soothing and helpful can the Internet be. It can be a counselor, a meditation professor and a teacher, a teacher of how beautiful life is. Just take a look and try these websites! It will definitely make you feel a hundred times better!
1. The thoughts room – if there’s too much weighing down on you, just write it in that thought box and you will see it disappear. That’s it, you’re free!
2. Flow– relax, unwind and take your mind off your problems. Life is beautiful! This is the best on the calming websites list for sure
3. Calming Manatee – encouraging, inspirational memes
4. Rainy Mood – I don’t know a single person who doesn’t like that soothing raining sound while you’re indoors reading a book and drinking your tea
5. Do Nothing for 2 minutes – yes, because sometimes doing nothing is just what you need to do
6. Weave silk– it’s sooo relaxing. You can draw patterns with your mouse and just disconnect from all your problems for a time
7. Calm – 10 minutes of calm every morning is just what you need for a more productive day
8. The Nicest Places on the Internet – it will remind you that life is beautiful and that’s such a privilege just to be alive
9. Soundrown – just lay down, relax, listen to the waves, fire, birds…Calm down!
10. Bla Therapy – just in case you need someone to talk to and only a stranger can be that person. You can go on this calming website and be a venter, someone who has to get it all off his chest or a listener, someone who helps people get it off their chest. Your choice
11. Simply Noise – Forget about white noise, this site will give you brown and blue noise as well, the last site on the calming websites list and certainly not the least.
If these calming websites won’t do the trick, update us on other sites you have found that calm you down.