Alisha Hernandez from Alamosa southern Colorado went into labor and gave birth to Mia Yasmin Garcia by caesarean at the San Luis Valley Hospital . But when the midwives and Alisha saw the baby for the first time they were completely shocked when she was larger than expected and weighing almost 14 pounds
Mia Yasmin Garcia shortly after being born at a stunning 14 pounds
The new father Francisco Garcia said ” They’re all shocked that they’re seeing a baby like that . Even in the San Luis Valley , they were like whoa ! They opened their eyes like they’ve never seen a baby like that ”
Mr Garcia said that the couple other children were born at normal weights , even the combined weight of their twins was lower than Mia
He also said that Mia would be the last child they have , despite wanting a boy – they are happy with the result
Just a little while after being born , Mia was moved to a Denver area hospital after suffering from low glucose levels and having trouble breathing
Doctors say Mia would hopefully join her 4 sisters Britney , Ximena , Yulissa and Yuliana next week
The happy father is just glad she is ok and healthy
Here is a closeup shot of the cute princess
In the picture below you see Joel Brandon with his mother Sara , Joel was also born at a whopping 14 pounds weight and was named the biggest baby of 2013
Source: Dailymail