It is an unspoken truth among men. We do not need to speak of it, prove it or explain it in any way or form because only real bros feel it and live by it without even noticing or having to think about it. Some call it ” The Bro Code ” but you will never see a bro call it by this nickname or even mention it in any way. It is simply there, guiding men for ages all over the world, keeping us safe and unite.
1: If two bros know the same story, the bro who is lesser known among the party or group shall tell it.

2: If your bro has a girlfriend, be completely nice to her. If he asks for your honest opinion, be straight up about your thoughts.

3: Never drink the last beer at another bros house.

4: If your bro dies during a workout, throw a couple more 45s on the bar before you call 911.

5: If a bro dies and you have a chance to destroy his hard drive you must do it.

6: Older bros are a resource. Find a chief and accept his wisdom. This will make you a better bro.

7: Don’t throw a bro under the bus to impress others.

8: You shall provide pizza and beers for any bros who help you move houses.

9: If a bro borrows your tools, they best return them in the same condition they were in when you got them, or better. Also applies to vehicles and musical instruments.

10: Thou shalt not hit your bro in the balls and claim it was a joke.

11: If a bro is telling a story and you can ” one-up ” it, don’t.

12: If you happen to know a bros girlfriend or wife is cheating on him, you let him know. Doesn’t matter if you barely know the guy at least drop him an anonymous hint.

13: We were all that bro trying to get into a group of friends, we weren’t born with the bros we have. Let another bro at least hang about with your group.

14: Your favorite beer is free. Your second favorite beer is cold. If your bro offers a beer don’t bitch it isn’t your brand.

15: Up for acknowledgment, down for respect.

16: No one ever refer to it as ” The Bro Code ” out loud.

17: No matter how great your relationship with your girlfriend is, you won’t completely abandon your bros to hang out with her all the time and then come crawling back after she dumps you.

18: Thou shalt never speak of your friend’s sexual conquests to your significant other.

19: Urinal laws: Never take the urinal directly beside someone else if there are any others available.

20: One bro’s sister is another bro’s sister

*The Golden Rule* – A bro shall not cock block another bro. Only guide it.