It is always good to be informed and knowledgeable about anything that which you could do something about even in the simplest way possible.
Second Life Toys in Japan has formulized a unique way to educate the public about the great power that organ transplant can do to its recipients. The organization is doing some repairs to the broken stuffed toys using limbs from old donated toys.
Everyone who sends in his stuffed toys for contribution receives a letter expressing gratitude and further explains how a generous giving has offered a second chance to live. The very purpose of this campaign is to simply generate joy among those who will donate, in the same manner teaching the kids and the entire family about the impact and tremendous effect of organ transplant in one’s well-being.
As of the moment, about 300 recipients from the waiting list of 14,000 Japanese citizens get the organ transplants they need, which is way behind the intended percentage.
SEE ALSO: IKEA Turned Kids Drawings To Real Stuffed Toys To Raise Money For Charity
This is why Sparking Life Toys is igniting a conversation with toys as a memorable symbol, making the subject easy to talk with. It is totally heartwarming and alarming at the same time, but it perfectly illustrates the vast need of donors to those who badly need it.
Source: MyModernMet