Harrison Ford looks pretty good right? What about Denis Lawson? 30 years and he still looks great! Tell us which of the cast members of the Star Wars movie you like the most and how they compare against their younger version?
#1 Harrison Ford as Han Solo – 1980/2015
#2 Ewan McGregor as Young Obi-Wan Kenobi, 2005/2015
#3 Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, 1977/2015
#4 Natalie Portman as Padme Amidala, 2003/2015
#5 Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, 1977/2015
#6 Anthony Daniels as C-3Po, 1977/2015
#7 Kenny Baker as R2-D2, 1977/2015
#8 Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, 1980/2015
#9 Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian, 1980/2014
#10 Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca, 1977/2015
#11 Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker, 2005/2015
#12 Samuel L Jackson as Mace Windu, 2005/2015
#13 Denis Lawson as Wedge Antilles, 1980/2015
#14 David Prowse as Darth Vader, 1977/2015
#15 Ray Park as Darth Maul, 1999/2015
#16 Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine, 2005/2015
#17 Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn, 1999/2015
#18 Jake Lloyd as Young Anakin Skywalker, 1999/2015
The Star Wars cast then and now gallery is sharable worthy content is it not? Please share