These 29 images will show you how stuff you take for granted can mean something totally different if you go deeper or think about them for a minute, like that outer space is only an hour’s drive away or that you have never seen your face, you only saw pictures or reflections of it. think about these cool facts about life, and enjoy thinking about all the other images below
Facts about life #1
2: If your car can drive straight up, you will reach space in 1 hour
3: Think about it, loads of dead people
4: We’re all just waiting in line to die
5: Bathtubs are just the opposite of boats
6: Saccadic Masking renders you totally unaware of the fact you’re totally blind for hours every day
7: Everything you see is in dely
8: If you look at the earth 65 million light years away, you would see dinosaurs
9: Shuffling of a pack of cards will create a new order that has never been seen before ever
10: If you’re lucky, your internal organs will never see the light of day
11: When the pyramids were being built, Mammoths still existed
12: Electrons actually pass through wires very slowly
13: The only planet in our solar system that is inhabited by robots is Mars
14: Generations of people are totally different
15: Russia is pretty big
Amazing facts about life 16: All the planets in our solar system fit in the distance between earth and the moon, except the sun
17: The human brain the most marvelous thing in the universe
18: Talk about a grammar nazi, try proofreading Hitler’s speeches
19: Your human cells are outnumbered by bacterial cells
20: There are some young pornstars in the world
21: The order of the alphabet isn’t a rule
22: The Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish can cheat death
23: We should really re-consider our priorities
24: We judge people way too fast
25: You never saw your own face
26: Every day you see people you will never see again ever
27: Your age is just the number of times you orbited around the sun
28: You are the traffic
29: Reading this post was the result of your life choices
Please share these facts about life with your friends
Source: Imgur
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