I always tell people “life’s too short not to do weird stuff to your hair.” I’ve never had a problem dying my whole head a weird color like blue or purple.
My most recent hair adventure took me to some hot pink roots that faded into red violet. But not everybody wants to draw that much attention to them. Hidden rainbow hair is a brilliant new idea that allows you to have that crazy hair you want. The only difference is it’s disguised as regular hair color.
You can have your hair colored in whatever crazy hue you want underneath. On top of it is a natural color like blonde, brunette or red. No one would ever even know unless you pulled your hair up.
There is a salon in London, appropriately named Not Another Salon, that has created a unique version of this style. This style is with rainbow stripes underneath, reminiscent of Lisa Frank school supplies.
Take a look at these gorgeous photos and tell us what you think in the comments section.
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